We are here to reach and bring souls into an enthusiastic participation into the life and mission of the Church. While strengthening the unity, humbleness, and love of the Body of Christ.
Our Mission
¿Quién es
Christ Chapel Church Hispano?
Nuestra primera misión es alcanzar las almas y traerlas a una participación activa de la vida y misión de la iglesia mientras son fortalecidos en la unidad, humildad y amor como cuerpo de Cristo.
Que Hacemos | What We do
Estudio Bíblico | Bible Study
Viernes a las 7:30pm Estudio dominical 10 am salon 201 Noche de familia los miércoles 7:00pm salon 102 Cadena de oracion Martes 8pm
servicios dominicales | Sunday Service
Te Invitamos a tener una experiencia intima de adoracion los Domingos a las 11:00am
Niños y jóvenes | Children & Youth
Muchos de nosotros trabajamos con el ministerio de Jr. High aquí con la esperanza de ayudar con eventos, dirigir estudios bíblicos y simplemente estar ahí para los jóvenes y los niños de nuestra iglesia.
Próximos Eventos
en Christ Chapel
Siempre hay nuevos eventos semanales en nuestra iglesia, por lo que siempre encontrará algo nuevo para explorar. Desde servicios de adoración hasta programas para niños y estudios bíblicos, encontrará que nuestra iglesia es un gran lugar para que todas las edades se conecten con otros miembros de la comunidad. ¡Vea lo que está sucediendo en nuestro calendario y estamos ansiosos por verlo!
Youth Service
Youth Service Experience
We have a vision for the Christ Chapel Youth Ministry to be the light in the world. We have a heart to follow Christ’s example by being a beacon of hope to everyone we meet. We have a passion to lead teens to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and help them develop their faith to be witnesses within their own culture.
Mid Week Family Night
Mid Week Family Night
If you’re looking for a weekly family experience to connect with God and grow in community, come to our Mid Week Family Night! We have Adult bible studies, youth service, and children’s small groups in person. Wednesday Mid Week allows for families to grow spiritually and relationally, and they’re a great way to connect with other members in our church community.
Wednesdays at 7 pm in person!
Sunday Service
Join us for our Sunday Worship Service
Come for the fellowship, worship, and Biblical message.
For Kids
We have nursery care, a Children’s and Youth Service. Sunday School for k-5th in Children’s Ministry and Jr.-Sr. High in Youth Ministry.
Youth Service
Youth Service Experience
We have a vision for the Christ Chapel Youth Ministry to be the light in the world. We have a heart to follow Christ’s example by being a beacon of hope to everyone we meet. We have a passion to lead teens to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and help them develop their faith to be witnesses within their own culture.