kingdom builders

Sharing Hope

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Sharing Hope is about using God’s gifts to reach the lost and always being prepared to answer everyone who asks you to give the reason for your hope (2 Peter 3:15). 

Our main goal is to share our story of hope for humanity through Jesus Christ. We follow the biblical examples of how to share hope through preaching the Word of God, personal witnessing, and acts of service toward our neighbors in our immediate community and beyond.

We are currently serving this purpose through the following ministry opportunities.

christ chapel front door message archive

Equipping members to share their stories.

An Evangelism 101 class is offered to all church members and guests who want to learn how to share our story.

School Partnerships

Packing and delivering Snack Bags for Elementary and Middle School students struggling with food insecurity.

Shelter Ministry

Prepare and deliver part of a meal for homeless families at two local shelters: We do this once a month.

Food Pantry

Help provide grocery bags for individuals or families that come to church requesting assistance.

Homeless Camp Ministry

Bring lunches, toiletries, clothing, and other necessities for homeless camp neighbors.

Foster Care Families

Christ Chapel partners with local foster care families to provide support in their calling to care for children in need of a loving family that can provide a home environment with love and grace.

Prison Ministry

Every week, the incarcerated participate in a Bible Study led by our prison ministries leader.

Sports Ministry

Christ Chapel sponsors a basketball league for young people who not only play but experience God´s transforming love through the witness of the organizers.

Service Outreach Events

  • The Christmas Giving Tree provides toys and clothing to children from families struggling with finances.
  • Thanksgiving Outreach—every year, Christ Chapel reaches the community with grocery bags with all the necessary ingredients to have a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings.


Christ Chapel currently supports more than 100 missionaries, mission ministries, and projects worldwide and domestically through our Kingdom Builders fund.

In 2024, Christ Chapel will sponsor three short mission trips to Guatemala, Tanzania, and West Virginia.


Christ Chapel partners with ministries and organizations such as Convoy of Hope, Christ in Action, Street Light Ministries, One Hope, and the Red Cross, among others, to serve our neighbors.



Prayer is the oxygen that keeps Christians in fellowship with God. We have a corporate prayer group that meets every Thursday evening via Zoom at 7:30 p.m. Also, seven different prayer groups meet throughout the week for prayer.

Join A Sharing Hope Team

Check out our Sharing Hope teams below for ways to get connected and serve our community.